The Low Down: Featuring Caitlin Geier Fisher, Tastemaker

On the first edition of The Low Down for 2024, I am beyond delighted to present Caitlin Geier Fisher! Caitlin is a tastemaker with a refined aesthetic for all things classic. With an early career in the Fashion Industry, Caitlin was one of the original influencers on social media. Her highly followed blog, Daily Cup of Couture, was not only perfectly polished, but had the best curation of items that was truly ahead of the times. Caitlin and I first met in San Francisco back in 2010 as members of the Junior League and I was immediately captivated with her style and charm. Now as a busy mother of three, Caitlin’s perfect aesthetic for both herself and her darling children has inspired many with her launch of her namesake lifestyle website: CaitlinGeierFisher. I am truly grateful that she took the time out of her incredibly busy life to share with us so many pearls of wisdom! I have always felt a great synergy with Caitlin with her ultimate goal being to “Delight and Inspire!” Welcome, Caitlin!

1. Please tell me a little bit about yourself. Where are you from, where did you go to college and what did you see yourself becoming when you were younger.

I grew up in Rancho Santa Fe, California and attended Stanford University for college. I am truly a California girl as I have lived here for most of my life (apart from a brief stint studying abroad and a Summer in NYC). As a young child I always dreamed of being the First Lady of the United States.  It is funny because I have never heard anyone else say that was their goal as a young child. But, it must have come with my fascination with so many incredible women like Jackie Kennedy and Eleanor Roosevelt. But, fast forward to Stanford and I was a Communications major. I have always loved to write and at that time thought I would work in a traditional form of mainstream media like a magazine or television having had Summer Internships at CNN and Town & Country Magazine. 

2. I would love for you to share your road to becoming one of the original Influencers and creating Daily Cup of Couture to now managing your beautiful Curation of items on CGF? 

Starting my blog came quite organically very soon after graduating from college. At the time I was living in San Francisco and working in merchandising for GAP. It was almost 15 years ago and blogs like the Sartorialist and the like were just becoming very big and we often looked to them for inspiration at work. My now husband said to me then, “you read so many blogs … why don’t you start your own?!” If it weren’t for him suggesting it, I don’t think I would have had the courage to start my blog, Daily Cup of Couture. It became a wonderful creative outlet for me and served as an evolving inspiration board for what was delighting me at the moment. I had always loved editing (particularly after my fashion internship at Town & Country) and I always saw the blog as almost my own mini magazine. I edited Daily Cup of Couture for 10+ years. And as I went through major life changes such as getting married, having children, and changing jobs … it was always my constant that brought me so much joy. 

After I had my second child, I stopped working full time and was able to spend more time on my blog. This is also when Instagram was changing the landscape of blogging and that worked really well with where I was with my life as a stay at home mom. I used to write my blog posts daily during nap time, but also started sharing more of my personal life on instagram and found a nice fluidity between the two. Last year, after almost 13 years of blogging I decided to rebrand and re-do my website to be more reflective of my life and style now. I still truly enjoy sharing my latest finds! 

3. How would you say your career in fashion played a role in what you still do today?

Fashion has been a passion of mine for quite some time and because I had always worked in different facets of it for my career it truly was a jumping off point for starting my blog as explained above. 

4. Where do you see your business 5 years from now? Do you have any collaborations in mind?

This is the question I ask myself daily …. “what do I want?!” Now that all three of my children are in school full time I have more time to focus on myself and my career. I have actually started working in creative and marketing part time for a children’s store I adore, Poppy as well as continuing my own business. 

I have always loved working on collaborations and would love to find ways to do more of those in partnerships with brand. Working directly with product and product development is truly what I miss about my old career and I would love to get to have more of that in my daily life. I have always dreamed of starting my own brand (not exactly sure what!) but I am not ready to take the leap just yet. 

5. Who has inspired you most along the way? 

SO many of the incredible mothers who have built their own brands while raising children. It is awe inspiring to see their drive, determination, and courage as I know it is not easy! For example, watching Morgan from minnow swim build her brand from the ground up is a perfect example. Truly amazing. 

6. How did your college experience play into your role today? 

Going to Stanford has truly been one of my life’s greatest privileges. Particularly, because of the amazing people I met there. Everyone is so interesting and passionate. It has always inspired me to follow my dreams and be the best I can be. 

7. What is the best piece of advice you were given? Regarding anything from business to parenting to personal development, etc.?

When I was trying to make the very hard decision of whether or not to stop working full time after having my second child who had a health issue … my wonderful boss at the time (who had been extremely successful in her career and was also a mother) said to me, “you will never regret spending time with your children”. She was absolutely right. She helped me make that decision with such confidence and I will always be so grateful to her for that. 

8. What advice would you give to other women who are working and raising children?

I would not have been as sane if I did not have this creative work to do alongside raising children. For me, it has truly been a saving Grace although it does make things slightly more complex. But. if you have something you are personally passionate about it can be so fulfilling and it is so wonderful for children to see their mother have that. It is truly worth it. 

9. What does work/life balance look like for you?

Now that all my children are in school for the majority of the day, it has been much easier for me to compartmentalize work and family time.  I try to get anything work related done during school hours so that I can be fully present and in mom mode when they are home from school. Something I am always striving to be better at is to put my phone away when I am with my children. 

10. How, if ever, do you prioritize your well-being? What are some things that you try to squeeze in on a normal busy day that you feel has impacted your day-to-day life?

A treat that always lifts my mood each day is stopping for an iced latte after dropping the kids off at school. It is such a little thing but makes such a difference in my day. I always make it a priority. Another thing I try to squeeze in each week is tennis and/or pickleball. It is my favorite way to exercise and have fun with friends. Checking two boxes! It always makes me feel great! 

11. What adversity has challenged you the most, yet made you a stronger person?

I alluded to this earlier, but my daughter was born with a health condition that we found out about while I was pregnant. She had to have a significant surgery at 9 months old and dealing with that has taught me so much about perspective. I remember people saying to me, “wow you are so strong” and I remember thinking you are strong because you have to be not necessarily because you want to be. It has forever impacted my life and the woman I am.  

12. I know you meet so many inspiring women every day, how do you feel we can better support the motto of “Women helping Women?”

I think sharing and celebrating each other’s successes is the greatest thing we can do! Also, being open and honest with how we got there can be so helpful to others. My favorite part about this industry has been the incredible women I have been able to connect with that I never would have met otherwise. 

13. How would you describe your sense of style?

Classic and refined with a twist on the traditional. 

14. What is your favorite splurge or investment “High Bar” piece in your wardrobe? 

My Chanel ballet flats. 

15. What is your favorite trendy yet affordable “Side Bar” piece in your wardrobe? 

My Massimo Dutti “celine inspired” sweaters

16. What is one thing on your wish list for 2024? 

A new Eres one piece swimsuit to wear on our trip to Italy this Summer! But, to be honest the trip itself is the main thing on my wishlist!

Thank you, Caitlin! I know there are so many wonderful things on the horizon for you as you expand your brand and I will continue to be one of your biggest cheerleaders along the way! If you haven’t already, I highly suggest perusing her beautiful website Thank you for continuing to inspire and uplift other women and wishing you great success in 2024! Cheers!


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